Beyond cinema
Sergio Zapata of the Talent Press Buenos Aires 2011 reports from a panel discussion about filmmaking in the era of new technologies and reproducibility.

Jorge La Ferla and Enrique Longinotti at the Talent Campus Buenos Aires.
On Thursday, the Talent Campus Buenos Aires held a presentation on “New forms: beyond cinema”, with the participation of experts Jorge La Ferla and Enrique Longinotti. Discussions revolved around the role of filmmakers in relation to new technologies.
The event was conducted at the Universidad del Cine’s facilities as part of the 6th edition of the Talent Campus Buenos Aires. It addressed the emerging conflicts over the use and appropriation of technologies applied to art. In La Ferla’s words, “mimesis” is in conflict with “replication and translation”. Longinolli, in turn, reflected on the “means of recording” which are to “bring about change” in the film industry.
According to La Ferla, the means for image reproduction and recording are swiftly transforming all forms of visual arts and generating new “emotional” and “existential” “experiences”, to the point of changing the level of truth and plausibility of reality. Longinolli also spoke about the need to educate on “technology access and use”, and to create spaces that encourage “new experiences”.
Both experts agreed that the “design of experiences” through the “establishment of roadmaps” and the “reconfiguration” of places and objects should be the duty of today’s cinematographers and artists.
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