by Pedro Emilio Segura

"Hell is other people", said Sartre as a synthesis of a unique perspective about the subjectiveness and his existentialist posture. The idea of othering is reduced to that sentence: we exist through others, through their perception of us. The limits of being, of identity, are transferred to Nosotras: Ellas, in the first documentary work by the Argentinian Julia Pesce who portrays the women of her family circle and everything which unites them beyond genes.
With a profoundly intimate gaze, sometimes claustrophobic, others invasive, Pesce captures instances of the daily interactions in this sort of familiar tribe where any masculine trace is conspicuous by its absence. The portrait of nine women who are bond by blood cyclically inquires their interactions; we observe as if we were participants of this family, the last days of an old member until the gestation process and first life instants of the future generation, in a particularly beautiful scene of compelling essence.
In this cyclic narrative, the Argentinian debutant invites us to the most recondite of her feminine family tree. From the bathroom, kitchen and the watering of a patio to a communal bath, Pesce takes us into this universe of feminineness. The close study of interactions and bonds generates a homogenous being, through whom the same blood runs. All of them, their others, their family, are not any hell. They are their being.