Talents Buenos Aires 2015 Begins!
by Mariángela Martínez Restrepo / Talent Press BsAs Coordinator

Talents Buenos Aires 2015
With the background and experience of experts and mentors, selected talents were able to enrich their future to continue their own way. The experience of the past generation (now converted into experts) is the knowledge of the professionals present. His main ambition is the future, under the name of “Back to the future, we celebrate a new edition of Talents BA, which brings new features and outstanding programs. This edition will be a great celebration, in which experts and talents of all previous editions will gather to discuss and think about the last decade of cinema, but looking at the future of it, from this region of the world. (Visit the Talents Buenos Aires website)
We would like to congratulate the 72 Talents selected for this year. Not only because they will be part of the 10 years of storytelling and experiences lived through the Talents Buenos Aires, but also because it is a glimpse at the future of Latin American visions through film and writing! Welcome to all the Talents and all the curious people around, witnessing these 10 years of great stories and experiences.
So lets begin this special edition with some quotes from our Talent Press participants, and their point of view referring to the question:
“What place do you think, imagine and feel film criticism will occupy in the future considering your place of origin and your current occupation?
Julieta Bilik - Argentina
The world will only cease to exist if it stops being narrated. Yet stories still persist. Film, as one of the possible formats that contains them, possesses the aura of image (Benjamin, Barthes), a mystery that will always seek to be revealed. The job of film criticism has been, is and will be to contribute in this task.
Amadeo - Argentina
I think film criticism will occupy, at the same time, a more important and less important place in the future. On the first hand, because we are all film critics nowadays. Due to the Internet, creators have to deal with a phenomenon of constant feedback. But, at the same time, this multitude of critics remains unidentified, and, at times, takes on the characteristics of a public lynching. Only a few names manage to step up and adopt writing as a way of life. I believe that more and better film criticism will be written in the future and that films will continue to be analyzed in ways that will involve different perspectives (industrial, aesthetic, ideological). This is what I would like, for there to be multiplicity, originality as well as deep reflections about art. Yet I also think that it will be increasingly difficult to be heard and will require great skills of personal marketing, which in the long run will discourage many.
Juan Carlos – Perú
I am into journalistic -not academic- criticism. And I think that the current, past and future place occupied by it is that of the boundary between something specialized and massive and between rigor and haste. I believe that, in a era where any person with a blog, Facebook or Twitter page, can write about film, the talent of critics will have to be more developed and solid than ever. Of course, without ever resorting to affectation or abstruse language, which are also menaces. Film critics will always be funambulists walking in between the abysses of snobbery and superficiality.
Eduardo Marun - Argentina
Film criticism always returns to what has been seen. It is also a manifest on what kind of cinema we want in the near future, and this is and will be a key element for all cinema lovers.
Libertad Gills - Ecuador
Many Latin American countries such as Ecuador, which are beginning to produce a significant number of films per year, still do not have a tradition in film criticism. I believe that the biggest change in the future of criticism will take place in these countries. Film criticism in the USA and Europe has been, in some cases, an alternative to mass advertising, helping films that cannot compete with marketing budgets in Hollywood and therefore making new directors and new perspectives become visible. In Latin America, film criticism could have an essential role in helping Latin American cinema be seen and valued in the countries where it is produced, as well as in the continent and the rest of the world.
Antonia Girardi - Chile
I think that film criticism in the future will not just be a map, but an atlas of possible itineraries given the power and fragility of experience. It will be the record, more or less systematic, more or less true, of all those trips of the senses, where memory, imagination and desire embark in each film, many times without ever knowing if they will reach their port of destination.
Clara Picasso/Text translator